Miss Teen Rodeo Montana 2023

Classy, crisp, and clean! I’m so excited to share my latest set of queen chaps, the ones for Miss Teen Rodeo Montana.

Elle had a wonderful vision in mind for her chaps! She wanted two mountains, Trapper’s Peak and Granite Peak, to be featured on the legs. Montana’s state flower, the bitterroot, is on the yokes along with a special Bible verse and a lovely quilted pattern. The leg wraps feature Elle’s family’s ranch prefix and the year Montana became a state - 1889! The Holt Heritage Museum, a long time sponsor and supporter of rodeo, has their H-R brand on the back belt.

Elle wanted conchos that looked like spur rowels, something I wasn’t able to find for sale. So I did what the wife of any metalworker would do, and made them myself!

All of these are tied together with a rich, earthy color palette of brown, bronze, bone, black, and an incredible gray cowhide with rich black and silver undertones. Thank you again for letting me bring your vision to life, Elle!

Psalms 46:5 - God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. ❤️

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